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Office of Urban Redevelopment - OUR-SA

Office of Urban Redevelopment - OUR-SA

The Office of Urban Redevelopment (OUR-SA) (formerly San Antonio Development Agency - SADA) was established by referendum election in 1957 under Title 12, Chapter 374 - Urban Renewal in Municipalities of the Texas Local Government Code. OUR-SA, as the Urban Renewal Agency for the City of San Antonio, maintains the legal ability to acquire, hold, and dispose properties associated with approved urban renewal plans. Actions of this board are subject to all applicable federal, state, and local guidelines, statutes, and rules, as well as approval by the San Antonio City Council. The mission of OUR-SA is to prevent urban blight and slums through legal activities such as slum clearance, redevelopment, rehabilitation, and conservation.

OUR-SA comprises seven commissioners duly appointed by the Mayor. Commissioners serve staggered two-year terms and there is no limit on the number of terms that may be served. Commissioners are required to be residents of the City and shall be owners of real property.

Liaison: Erika Ragsdale – 210-207-0108

Apply for the Office of Urban Redevelopment - OUR-SA commission here

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